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Welcome the new ruric #10questionstoaskaDJ

10 questions to ask a DJ (#10questionstoaskaDJ) this is our completely new rubric.

It is a kind of an interview, where DJs will answer questions in a short manner. 

We noticed that nowadays people used to rush and consume information quickly and sometimes long discussions don't get such a big interest than a short stories. 

Sure, we are going to mix and do big interviews, video interviews and 10 questions interviews for you can choose what you like and to satisfy the requirements of more our readers.

In the new rubric you can meet your favorite DJs, questions per heading will be asked 50 to 50, some from our editors, some from subscribers and readers of DJANEMAG magazine.

Therefore, if you have interesting, unusual, funny or weird questions for your favorite DJ, write to us and we will contact the DJ and ask her. Today the premiere #10questionstoaskaDJ is out, we hope you like, support and comment on your impressions.