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To celebrate the 8th of March DJ Stephanie launches an all-female EP
To celebrate the 8th of March DJ Stephanie launches an all-female EP.
Check out Stephanie's statement below:
"Dear friends from the hardstyle family, I'm proud to announce that on 8th March, International Women's Day, I've decided to launch an all-female EP.
Anyone who follows me knows I've always fought for this cause.
Years ago I organized club nights in Italy called "Ladies Night" and began a duo with Lady Faith, a great woman, artist and fellow DJ !
It was really exciting performing together at EDC Las Vegas, the Exchange in Los Angeles, in Canada, etc.
We've released various tracks including: Electric, America, No Sleep.
In 2016 my label Pink Beats Records was born, to give a voice to future generations too.
Then I had the idea of creating the all female "BLACK ROSES" EP: to put the spotlight on brave women and those with hardstyle in their hearts: Kamikaze, XDream, Natski, Syren and Luxx.
They've been giving it their all for a long time! This EP will be a sort of message because unfortunately women, in every line of work, are often undervalued and subjected to unjust criticism.
We are often the subject of abuse by so-called "HATERS"... it's easy to pick on us and try to put us down by saying things like "it's just a project... with a ghost producer... or worse "who did she go to bed with???"... How many of our male colleagues have ghost producers but don't get criticised for it?
Personally, I follow artists even if they are ghost produced because I love them for their energy on stage and for what they express.
We must try to look at what's behind an artist, whether male or female, look at how they perform on stage, and remember that their main aim is to entertain those who follow them!
And a message goes out to all promoters around the world. It's true that the club scene is 90% dominated by males but why not give space to the 10% of female DJs?
There's enough space for everyone!"