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25/03/2021 11:30
Women in Hard Dance Documentary Series
Amy Farina is a Founder and Executive Director of Drop Bass Not Bombs.
A few months ago, she along with female friends and colleagues in the hard dance scene in the Netherlands started a group called Women in Hard Dance.
The purpose of Women in Hard Dance is to bring together like minded women in the scene to support each other in our various endeavors and to foster female friendships within the scene. From this group a documentary series was formed.
Did you know that less than 9% of all electronic music producers are female?
No? Then you definitely have to meet these talented women of the Hard Dance music scene.
The second episode of Women in Hard Dance is about female DJ’s and Producers of the Hard Dance scene.
Lady Dammage, Day-Mar, Yoshiko, Hysta, Art of Unity, Kilbourne, Lauren Valentine and Juliëx will introduce you to their experiences of being a female artist in the Harder Styles.
Furthermore, they highlight their achievements and share good tips and encouragement for newcomer in the scene.
Women in Hard Dance presents and supports women who are working in the music industry to empower female artists and offers a space to share experiences as well as to connect women in the Harder Styles.
Check out both episodes below.