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Introducing Loopcloud 3.0 big update

Loopcloud is the online cloud platform for storing and managing your loops and samples, has just received a big update.


This version brings with it the most heavily requested feature; the ability to add your own and third-party samples to the Loopcloud app.

Simply use the plus button or drag-and-drop any samples into Loopcloud and let the algorithms analyze the files and add tags automatically.

This process happens quickly, however, if you are working with other applications and want to free up some CPU for those tasks, you do have the option to do so.

You can also pause the process at any time.

Loopcloud is excellent at automatically adding instrument, BPM, Key and other important tags with precision.

However, if you spot an issue, or want to add, edit or delete tags for any files, you can use the edit tag module which is shown by clicking the pencil tool.

Simply select the folder, sub-folder, or individual file you want to edit.

To remove a tag, click the X button next to the tag in the current tags list.

To add a tag, use the keyboard to set the key, enter a BPM value or find an existing tag in the tag manager press the SET button.

You can also create custom tags with ease using the built-in comprehensive Tag Editor Any folders you add will have custom folder icons in the Loopcloud library.

You can also search just the local content, meaning your files and any files you’ve already downloaded form the cloud, by clicking the disc icon next to the loop and one-shot buttons at the top of the app.

When engaged, any search or filter results will only display content found on your computer.

Once your content has been added there will be a dynamic link between it and Loopcloud. Any changes made to the files and folders with be automatically and instantaneously reflected in Loopcloud.

Once your sound library has been analyzed and properly tagged, you can take advantage of Loopcloud’s incredible search and filtering systems, loop patterns for One Shots and, of course, the Auto Key feature which automatically pitch shifts any melodic content to your desired key!

It goes without saying that will always have access to your Loopmasters content in the cloud and the ever growing Loopcloud store when you need something new!

Loopcloud 3.0 is free and available for download at