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how to dress to get into berghain

Every true clubber knows that Berghain has one of the strictest door policies in the world. 

Sometimes even world famous DJs don’t make the cut. 

When it comes to getting into this club, there are certain unspoken rules that everyone in Berlin knows: wear black, break into small groups and don’t talk in the line. 

"I can open the door for a tailored lawyer and his pompous companion in Gucci and Prada - if both made a good impression on me, welcome! We also consider masks, short skirts quite acceptable, we love puffy blondes a la Pamela Anderson. Nice guys, sweating with passion, licking from impatience in line are also our contingent. All these different types are Berghain, it is this cocktail that attracts people to us, and our task is to choose the right ingredients", Sven Marquardt, the world famous Berghain bouncer said.

Some tips for you:

If you fail, try again

Relax, it’s just a club

Dress comfortably

Don’t get too drunk before you go

Don’t be afraid to stand out

Never take a selfie!!!