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Coachella tickets officially sold out within hours

Good news for fans of music festivals and outdoor events: the legendary Coachella is back in 2022.

For 2 years in a row, it had to be canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, but now the organizers are optimistic - and have even already planned dates. A post on the festival's official Instagram profile states that it will take place from 15 to 17 and 22 to 24 April 2022.

Early ticket sales for the event began on June 4th.

Coachella is a music festival hosted by Goldenvoice in California.

It first took place in 1999. The festival also hosts art and sculpture exhibitions.

Over the years, it has featured such stars as Bjork, Radiohead, Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. 

Tickets for the 2022 event sold out within hours of their release, even in the absence of an official lineup. 

If you were one of those unlucky to have missed out on tickets then you can actually try your hand at joining the waiting list via the Coachella website.